Movies Can Determine Your Success

  • In health
  •  movies
  • Posted06 Jan, 2016

According to all-Movies, a media and entertainment distribution company, there is new research that shows that what they call ‘positive brain food’ can actually help people become more successful in life.



Success is now being shown to be predictable based on the types of movies a person watches over their lifetime. For example, a fan of scary horror movies may find themselves in a high state of alert general anxiety while a fan of romance ‘chick flicks’ will look for the heart of gold in every person they meet.



Depending on your perspective, you will have the experiences you expect. More successful people tend to watch movies with a profound message as a deliberate way to feed their mind with positive content.

So here is the big question: what do you like to watch? And what are you going to watch next?



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