How to use this demonstration?
You can discover Jahia 7 using the following users (login / password):
- root / root (if you're using the Demo Pack. Otherwise, the root password is the one set using the Jahia's installation tool): Server Administrator of this Jahia instance (with access to the full server administration interface including the Jahia Studio, if enabled during Jahia installation & setup).
- bill / password: The Website Administrator with the same authoring features as the "Editor in Chief" but with an access to the website administration panel.
- anne / password: The Editor in Chief with edit and contribute mode access to write and update the entire website and with access to personalization, page structure and content.
- mathias / password: An Editor with access to the website "Edit Mode" interface, which provides additional authoring options than the "Contribute Mode".
- jane / password: A Contributor with access to the contribute mode for simple content contribution.
- irina / password: A content Reviewer, who will be in charge of content validation (1 step workflow).
- jay / password: An authenticated Visitor on the website, who will be able to interact with website community tools like forum and blog.